India has well-defined laws and policies that aim to protect children from all forms of exploitation. However, the lack of awareness and prioritisation of issues of child protection leads to inaction on cases of child protection. ICP works with government stakeholders to strengthen the country's child protection mechanism and justice delivery system.
To strengthen the justice delivery and child protection mechanism in the country, ICP works extensively with the government and child protection stakeholders. Regular training programmes are organised to enhance their knowledge and build the capacities of the on-ground stakeholders to deal with cases of child protection.
The precisely curated training modules coupled with the experienced training team help the stakeholders to realise their responsibilities towards ensuring the protection of children within their jurisdiction. This training helps them to identify and take swift action on cases of exploitation against children and ensure that the child is facilitated with their due rehabilitation support and that the perpetrators are punished as per the law.
Apart from training the officials from various government departments, training is also organised for grassroots civil society organisations. By building the grassroots organisations' capacity, ICP helps percolate the need to address child protection issues on the ground. Through these organisations, the community is sensitised helping to enhance the vigil towards child trafficking, child sexual abuse, child marriage, and other forms of exploitation in their areas, thereby creating a deterrence and reducing the rate of crime.
Thus, through such training, ICP is enabling the creation of a sensitised community and capable institutions to ensure protection and prevention of children from exploitation.